
Space Junk

Cool Space Junk facts

  • The oldest debris still on orbit is the second US satellite, the Vanguard I, launched on 1958, March, the 17th, which worked only for 6 years.

  • In 1965, during the first american space walk, the Gemini 4 astronaut Edward White, lost a glove. For a month, the glove stayed on orbit with a speed of 28,000 km / h, becoming the most dangerous garment in history.

  • More than 200 objects, most of them rubbish bags, were released by the Mir space station during its first 10 years of operation.

  • The most space debris created by a spacecraft's destruction was due to the upper stage of a Pegasus rocket launched in 1994. Its explosion in 1996 generated a cloud of some 300,000 fragments bigger than 4 mm and 700 among them were big enough to be catalogued. This explosion alone doubled the Hubble Space Telescope collision risk.


Culled from space.com. Check out the : Sun Cam!


Answer to My Very First Question

My previous post sparked a comment that got me thinking. So I said to myself:

Ask the cards already!

I mean, isn't that what I'm here for?...

"Can a psychic win the lottery by the use of his or her gifts?"

Short Answer: Yes
Long Answer:
The possibility is definitely there.
One must keep focused on the goal, leave all worries and distractions aside.
One must thoroughly control one's passions and have inner calm.
One must be free of attachments and desires.
A strong inner resolve is necessary.

Anxieties from the past can interfere, as can a fear of the future with all the uncertainty it holds.
Such an event is thoroughly transforming, the old life is left behind.
There could be a serious price to pay: the loss of control over one's life is a distinct possibility.
Above all, one must be ready to face the unknown, possibly Death itself.

And finally, think twice about this, you might not like the results at all.

Well! Isn't that encouraging, sort of.

Death, 5 cups, 9 pentacles r,
Strength,7 pentacles,king wands r
Method:Jacobson yes/no.


Winning The Lottery: softly, softly

Reporter: "What would you do if you found a million dollars?"
Yogi Berra: "I'd find the fellow who lost it, and, if he was poor, I'd return it."

I've been doing some research on psychics and their luck at winning the lottery. It would appear that such luck is conspicuous by its absence. Why has a psychic never won the lottery? Sceptics will tell you it's because there is no such thing as a psychic.

Well, have they ever got it wrong. And to all you budding psychics out there who are just burning with desire to shut the sceptics up once and for all by winning the lottery and then bragging about it, take the advice of Auntie Zam :

If you're making a living as a psychic, when you win that jackpot (by the questionable use of your gift or not, but let's leave ethics out of this for now), for heaven's sake, retire from the business and get as far away from your telephone as your newly-minted money can take you!

Leave those losers behind! You know, the poor sods who are relying solely on that winning ticket to turn their lives around. The ones who think that winning the lottery is the only answer to their problems: it will make them stop gambling, cure their drug addiction, stiffen the right appendages, improve their golf score (actually, money will undoubtedly improve their score by ruining everyone else's). The ones who think that money is real, real, really the answer!

Alas, money by its very nature always attracts problems, it can't help itself. Money is a voracious parasitic life-form, it will consume you, and it will excrete problems. Little rabbit-pellets of problems, all over the living-room rug of your life.

There are some lotteries you really don't want to win, as Shirley Jackson once pointed out. Winning is not all it's cracked up to be. Be wary of suddenly becoming the centre of attention...

Then there's the other Shirley and her plight in "What a Way to Go" (1964). Chasing money can lead to a premature end... and as we all know, you can't take it with you.

And, my dear budding psychic, if you know what's good for you, never start your career by handing out lotto combinations, not even to your family. Because when you finally win, as you will, being psychic and all, I guarantee you that those dear loved ones will be furious; they'll right away think that you kept the winning numbers for yourself. Does that sound cynical? Oops, stepped on a rabbit-turd....

It's all very well to have principles, but when it comes to money you have to be flexible. ~ Eugene Ormandy


Reading by the light of a New Moon

This Thursday there will be a New Moon, which is anything but boring, especially with Earthshine....

I have never truly explored Astrology, it felt too much like math class after a gin-soaked evening. But I'm sure that with all the recent discoveries and changes, these are interesting times for astrologers! New moons that turn out to be old rocket stages, exploding asteroids, new planets, oh my!

The view from Earth is fine enough, when you can get away....